Friday, August 31, 2007

South Philly Phil on His 8th Beer and Going Strong!

And yes, I, South Philly Phil, am drinking me some Yuenglings. Only the best. With beers at least.

Cheers and have a good night, my friends!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Wino Pete Ain't Nowhere to Be Found

I've been checking all over the neighborhood for this clown and he ain't nowheres to be found. What pond scum! My sister, Maria, and the family honor will be restored, mainly via this guy being on the receiving end of a serious beating!

Anyone sees Wino Pete, let me know. I'll be very appreciative and buy a beer for anyone who helps me track down this low life.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Going to the Track

I'm heading to the track. Got to bet on the ponies. Training will have to wait until tomorrow. I'd be worried about disclosing my scientific training schedule, but I somehow doubt Wino Pete has an Internet connection...or can read!

Hello and Yo, from South Philly Phil

This is South Philly Phil and I'm here to represent the South Side of Philly, where the rules are a little different, and if you ain't training, you'd better do some 'splaining, and where someone (usually me) has to tell it like it is, that Philadelphia is number one, and Rocky is the best damn Italian movie ever, and Adrian is a hottie like no other, when she was alive and all, with all due respect, I'm saying.